NJ Legislators Commit to Fully Funding Housing Trust Fund
Over 150 housing advocates converge on Trenton during annual Legislative Day


Housing advocates and community developers roamed the halls of the Trenton State House today to ensure that members of the New Jersey Legislature commit to fully funding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) in the upcoming state budget. Advocates participated in meetings with their elected officials as part of the Housing and Community Development Network of NJ’s (the Network) Annual Legislative Day. On the event, Network President and Chief Executive Officer Staci Berger issued the following statement:

“This is the first time in a decade that a governor of this state has proposed to fully support the housing trust fund. Nonprofit leaders from Cape May to Bergen County made the trip to Trenton to show our elected officials that we want to build a thriving NJ. Our members delivered the message, we need all of the money in and none of the money out so we can address homelessness, foreclosure and other housing needs.”

Legislators including Assemblymembers Holley (LD-20), Jasey (LD-27), Timberlake (LD-34), Valerie Vainieri Huttle (LD-37), Assembly Housing Committee Chair Wimberley (LD-35) and Senators Pou (LD-35) and Addiego (LD-8) reiterated their commitment to fully fund the AHTF during the event.

About the Housing and Community Development Network of NJ
The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey is the statewide association of more than 250 community development corporations, individuals and other organizations that support the creation of affordable homes, economic opportunities, and strong communities. For more information on the Network, visit www.hcdnnj.org.

For more information: Nina Rainiero
(609) 393-3752 x1200
(609) 789-7900
Website: hcdnnj.org
Twitter site: twitter.com/hcdnnj
Facebook site: facebook.com/hcdnnj