Network Commends Efforts to Tackle Foreclosures


Following the news conference in which Senator Raymond Lesniak (D-Union) and Assemblyman Jerry Green (D-Union) discussed their legislation that addresses the inventory of foreclosed homes in New Jersey, Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey Director of Policy and Advocacy Staci Berger issued the following statement:

"We all want to see thriving neighborhoods across New Jersey where children can play outside and neighbors can greet each other at the mailbox without the gloomy shadow of an empty, foreclosed home cast over them.

"There's been a need for an innovative method of dealing with foreclosed homes, so we're glad to see Senator Lesniak and Assemblyman Green take the lead by tackling this on a legislative level.  They recognize there's a glut of foreclosed homes in the state and that there's a great need for affordable homes.  This could be an opportunity to bridge that gap.

"The Network looks forward to working with the bill sponsors as this moves through the legislative process.  We hope that the final product will be a strong tool for creating vibrant communities in New Jersey."

For more information:  Nina Arce
Housing & Community Development Network of NJ
(609) 393-3752 x12
[email protected]
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