Governor Must Make NJ Homeowners Priority, Says Network 10/24/2012 The Assembly Housing and Local Government Committee and the Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee hosted a hearing today on the Christie administration's failure to help more families facing foreclosure by vetoing legislation and not distributing federally provided aided to families in a timely fashion. Regarding the Governor’s lack of action or policy commitment to address this crisis, Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey Director of Policy and Advocacy Staci Berger issued the following statement:
"Perhaps the Governor and the members of his team simply do not understand how dire the situation is for the families affected, or for the staff on the front lines trying to help them, each and every day. Perhaps they believe that the free market should take care of this problem, and that state government should not intervene and help, even when the federal government provided them with funds to do so. Maybe they don’t care. I don’t know why this Governor and his Administration let people lose their homes when money was available to help or why the Governor has steadfastly refused to enact any policy that would alleviate this crisis. Governor Christie has ignored or aggravated this situation since he took office. We need him to recognize the severity of the situation, and work with those of us who want to resolve the foreclosure crisis that is dragging down our state's economy.
"The Governor talks a lot about putting our economy back on track. But he has failed to tackle the foreclosure epidemic in our state. He may not agree with legislation that has been introduced at both the state and federal levels, but he has offered no ideas or solutions of his own. He has usurped foreclosure assistance funds – at both the state and federal levels – and has allowed mortgage settlement dollars to languish while families suffer.
"It's time for the Governor to move New Jersey off every list of dubious distinctions and focus on getting our residents the economic recovery we need and deserve. We have a crisis on our hands and we cannot afford to have every idea – or any idea - simply dismissed by this administration. Let's find a way to keep people in their homes and restore our neighborhoods that have vacant and abandoned spaces to ones that have vibrant places in which people want to live and work." For more information: Nina Arce |