Network Lauds Signing of Expedited Foreclosure Bill into Law 12/6/2012 Following the enactment of legislation sponsored by Senator Raymond J. Lesniak (D-Union) and Assemblyman Jerry Green (D-Union) that would expedite the process on abandoned and dilapidated properties, Housing and Community Development Network of NJ Director of Policy and Advocacy Staci Berger issued the following statement: "We would like to thank Governor Christie for signing this bill which will help so many communities across the state that are plagued with foreclosures. We also thank the bill sponsors in the Senate and Assembly for their leadership on this issue. "New Jersey's economic recovery is a goal widely shared with the governor, legislators, municipalities, community developers and service providers. Any opportunity we have to improve depends on not only keeping people in their homes but also making those that have been sitting vacant and abandoned, livable again. "The Network stands behind proposals that can restore vibrancy and economic vitality to distressed and struggling neighborhoods around the state. One such proposal establishes a temporary program within the Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency for the purposes of purchasing foreclosed residential properties from institutional lenders for market or affordable housing. We encourage the governor to view this bill as part of a comprehensive solution for economic recovery and sign this bill into law as well." For more information: Nina Arce Housing & Community Development Network of NJ (609) 393-3752 x12 [email protected] Twitter site: Facebook site: |