Governor Needs to Rebuild All of Our Communities, says Network 2/7/2013 Today Governor Christie conditionally vetoed a bill that would have expanded the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) program by $5 million. On the veto, Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey Director of Policy and Advocacy Staci Berger issued the following statement: "As the Governor acknowledged in his statement, the NRTC program is a proven and highly effective program where public-private partnerships have successfully created real community assets. It leverages an additional $7 dollars for every $1 dollar in tax credits provided. We are extremely disappointed that the Governor vetoed this expansion, which would have increased potential funding for economic growth in our urban areas by $35 million dollars. "Public investment in hardest hit communities is crucial for our state to prosper. The Governor clearly understands this when it comes to rebuilding our Shore. But, families and neighborhoods in our urban centers that have been devastated by the economic tsunami of the last few years need and deserve the Governor’s attention too." For more information: Nina Arce |