Burlington County Nonprofit Developers Deliver for Area Economy Reports to be released show investment, job creation, and tax revenue brought to Burlington County
WHAT: The Housing and Community Development Network New Jersey (the Network) and Moorestown...
Over $650 Million Economic Impact Spurred by Mercer County Nonprofit Community Developers Statewide community development association releases new local economic impact report
Nonprofit community development corporations (CDCs) in Mercer Count...
Mercer County Nonprofit Developers Deliver for Area Economy Reports to be released show investment, job creation, and tax revenue brought to Mercer CountyWHAT: The Housing and Community Development Network New Jersey (the Network) ...
Network Announces TAPinto as New Media Sponsor
The Housing and Community Development of New Jersey (the Network) has announced TAPinto.net as its newest media sponsor. The sponsorship offers a unique partnership in community engagement for both...
Statewide Housing Association Lauds Rental Assistance ExpansionChristie Administration adds 500 vouchers in homeless prevention effort
Today Governor Chris Christie announced that the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) will issue 500 State Re...
NJ Lawmakers Commit to Lead Prevention Funding in BudgetRenew efforts to send Gov. Christie $10 million appropriation bill
New Jersey Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney (D-Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem) and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto ...
NJ Legislature Sends Lead Prevention Funding Bill to GovernorHousing advocates applaud passage of bill 3/14/2016Both the New Jersey Senate and Assembly today voted in favor of a bill that would provide $10 million in funding for state programs that protec...
3,100 Children Poisoned by Lead is a Health Crisis, says housing and community advocates State, federal lawmakers push for lead prevention funding and stronger testing standards 3/7/2016 JERSEY CITY/TRENTON – At a press conference in Jersey City tod...
Lead Poisoning is a Preventable Problem but the NJ Must Act, Network Tells Assembly CommitteeAssembly Health and Senior Services Committee hosts hearing on lead contamination2/22/2016The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey (the Network...
Lead Poisoned Children and Foreclosed Homeowners Left Out of Christie BudgetStatewide housing association responds to proposed budget2/16/2016Governor Chris Christie delivered his proposed Fiscal Year 2017 State Budget today. On the governor’s propo...
Published February 16, 2016By the Housing and Community Development Network of New JerseyAdvocates makes appeal to Christie ahead of state budget address TuesdayHousing and community advocates along with parents and concerned residents, urged Governor C...
Over 100 Organizations Call on Christie to Include Lead Prevention Funding in State Budget ProposalAdvocates makes appeal to Christie ahead of state budget address Tuesday2/12/2016Housing and community advocates along with parents and concerned residents,...
11 NJ Communities Have Lead Exposure Higher Than Flint, MIAdvocates launch #LeadFreeKidsNJ to put lead prevention in state budget2/1/2016Community leaders and advocates joined parents with young children at a State House press conference today to urge Gov...
Media Advisory
January 28, 2016 For Information: Nina Arce (609)393-3752x1200
NJ Assembly Committee Invites Network to Share Insight into Housing Affordability CrisisAssembly Housing and Community Development Committee hosts special hearing on fighting poverty 1/27/2016The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey (th...
Housing Advocates Condemn Christie’s Inaction on Lead Poisoning Prevention Governor pocket vetos $10 million appropriation to prevent lead poisoning1/19/2015Governor Chris Christie has pocket vetoed a bill that would appropriated $10 million for the...
NJ Foreclosures Nothing to Brag About, says NetworkHousing advocates dispute Christie State of the State data 1/12/2016Following Governor Christie’s State of the State speech where he lauded New Jersey’s status on foreclosures, Network Preside...
NJ Senate Sends Lead Hazard Funding Bill to GovernorHousing advocates applaud passage of bill1/7/2016The New Jersey Senate today voted in favor of a bill that would provide $10 million in funding for state programs that protect children from lead hazards ...
Published December 11, 2015By Todd BatesAfter years of being raided by governors and lawmakers, fund to fight lead poisoning would get enough cash to start doing its jobA fund for preventing lead poisoning -- frequently raided to help balance state budg...
$421 Million Economic Impact Spurred by Morris County Nonprofit Community DevelopersStatewide community development association releases new local economic impact report12/8/15Nonprofit community development corporations (CDCs) in Morris County have contr...