Statewide Association Honors NJ Public Officials and Community Leaders at Sold Out Community Development Conference Experts weigh in on new fair housing policies; launch Community Scholars Program for community development emerging leaders10/27/2015Munici...
2015 Community Development Conference & Membership Meeting Workshop Materials
Healthy Housing in NJ: Informed Decision Making in Communities
Getting Out from Underwater: Tools for Helping NJ Families Facing Foreclosure
$1.73 Billion Economic Impact Spurred by Essex and Union County Nonprofit Community Developers Statewide community development association releases new local economic impact report9/29/2015Nonprofit community development corporations (CDCs) in Essex and U...
Media Advisory
September 28, 2015 For Information: Nina Arce (609)393-3752x1200
$301 Million Economic Impact Spurred by Passaic County Nonprofit Community DevelopersStatewide community development association releases new local economic impact report9/10/2015Nonprofit community development corporations (CDCs) in Passaic County have c...
Media Advisory
September 8, 2015 For Information: Nina Arce (609)393-3752x1200
Improvements to Sandy Aid Information on the WayGovernor Christie signs Sandy transparency bill into law8/10/2015Governor Christie has signed legislation authored by Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester) and Senator Linda Greenstein (D-Mercer/Midd...
New Jersey Voters Express Strong Support for More Federal Funding for Affordable Homes to Address Homelessness7/24/2015Today, the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey, a NLIHC state ...
Investing in Housing Choices Generates Billions for NJ Economy, Advocates Tell LegislatorsAdvocates present economic impact report to Assembly committee as part of annual lobby day 6/15/2015NJ nonprofit community developers testified on ...
Blueprint for Municipal Fair Housing Compliance AnnouncedStatewide housing association unveils report on obligations following NJ Supreme Court COAH decision6/11/2015The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey (the Network) today released ...
No Relief for NJ Renters According to New National StudyOut of Reach report ranks NJ fifth most expensive state 5/19/2015According to the annual, national report released today, New Jersey is the fifth most expensive location in the nati...
Court Shuts Down State's $200 Million Trust Fund GrabMunicipal housing trust funds preserved to help towns meet housing obligations4/9/2015Following the announcement that the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court has ruled the attempt to use...
Land Banks Should Be Part of State Policy on Blight, Advocates Tell Legislators Assembly committee hosts hearing on vacant and abandoned properties3/16/2015Policy experts, non-profit developers and municipal leaders presented testimony today to members of...
COAH Decision Will Result in More Effective Enforcement of Constitutional and Statutory Obligations, Say Planning, Housing AdvocatesNJ Supreme Court unanimously decides remedies can be pursued in court, bypassing COAH
3/10/2015The New Jersey Supreme Cour...
Municipal Officials Take Aim at Problem Properties Plaguing NJForum explores restoring towns of vacant and abandoned properties 2/10/2015Municipal officials from across the state convened at a forum in South Jersey to explore best practices for managing v...
Community Developers Make $12 Billion Impact on NJ EconomyStatewide community development association releases economic impact study2/5/2015Over 120 nonprofit community development corporations have generated $12 billion dollars for New Jersey’s eco...
Study Finds NJ Community Development Sector a $12 Billion Economic EngineDuring annual conference, CDC association releases economic impact report;Sen. Pres. Sweeney, other elected officials address group
12/10/14The Housing and Community Development Net...
Housing & Community Development Network to Perform Sandy Outreach Effort to reach underrepresented residents facing recovery challenges 11/12/2014The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey (the Network) will be providing additional ou...
Sandy Recovery Underway but Much Work Remains, says the NetworkCommemorates two year anniversary at multiple events in hardest hit areas10/29/2014Commemorating the two year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, the Housing and Community Development Network of ...
Statewide Housing and Community Development Association Celebrates a Quarter of a Century Serving NJ10/17/2014The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey (the Network) hosted a dinner for over 200 community developers, housing advocates, s...