Network members get exclusive access to news on upcoming programs, resources, and funding opportunities monthly on our Friday Member Discussions! For the month of May, we're bringing you a special expanded edition focused on healthy homes and communities. Join us on May 10 for a conversation on building stronger, healthier homes and communities. Not a member? You can still have access at a discounted rate!

Event Details
Healthy Homes & Communities Edition: May Member Discussion Special Edition
Friday, May 10, 2024
$25 For Non-Members | FREE for Members


Click here to meet our speakers here!

Sustainable and Healthy Community-Wide Change: A Keynote by Doctor Leon Caldwell 

Hear from Dr. Leon D. Caldwell Ph.D, Senior Director of Health Equity Strategy and Innovations at the American Hospital Association and founder of Ujima Developers, on how development driven by the social determinants of health addresses structural barriers and obstacles to healthy homes, communities, and lifestyles. A West Philadelphia native, Dr. Caldwell offers his unique approach to holistic equitable development in re-designing neighborhoods for the optimal well-being of residents, and through a blend of experience, understands the influence of real estate developers on the health and economic mobility of a zip code.

Community Development, Climate Change, and Municipal Resiliency
A session examining what community developers, other neighborhood-based organizations and municipalities can do to organize around climate resiliency planning in their local area. As the impacts of climate change become increasingly felt not only during extreme weather events such as tropical storms and flooding but also in our day-to-day lives through factors such as air quality and rising heat it is becoming more important than ever that all voices making up a community have a stake in the planning process of mitigating them.



Local Empowerment Through Remediation and Mitigation 
Hear how local community organizations and residents can become educated and empowered to be the agents of research and change within their own neighborhoods by Statewide Institutions such as Rutgers University. With increased recognition of the dangers of exposures to toxins such as lead and political will at an all-time high to remove it, there are opportunities to empower those living within traditionally underserved communities to be part of multiple stages of the solution.